Grieving Parents

When your baby passes away it is an unthinkable tragedy, but it is our babies that bring our lives together in this moment. Each story is unique, just as each child is unique. We hope it brings comfort to you that you are not alone. Each one of us at The Still Remembered Project has endured the loss of a child. The following resources are some we have gathered through our own grief in hopes of helping others on this journey of grief.

Support For Parents

Supporting a Grieving Family

Whenever someone you love experiences the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death, you wish you knew the "right" thing to say or do. It's hard to know what to do because each person responds differently. Even so, the resources included here are some suggestions to help guide you as you support your friend or family member through this season of grief. Above all, thank you for wanting to help them. When we grieve, we need those closest to us even if it is hard to support a grieving family.

Supporting Friends and Family

Counseling and Crisis Resources

Experiencing the passing of your child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death is a trauma. Many of us have utilized counselors, pastors, and other mental health services to support us along the grief journey. Please seek out support.

Find Help Now

Celebrate and Remember

Just as everyone's grief journey is different, so are the ways a grieving parent can remember and honor their baby. Your special remembrance for your baby might be as simple as lighting a candle, releasing balloons, or even holding a birthday party. As the days and years go on, how you remember, honor and celebrate your baby might change, and that's okay too. We have put together suggestions we pray help you and your family remember and honor your little one. We pray you find comfort, love and healing as you find your own special way to remember and honor your baby.

Celebrate and Remember Over Time

The Still Remembered Community